combinat::integerListsLexTools – lexicographic generation of lists of integers

The library combinat::integerListsLexTools provides functions for the lexicographic generation of lists of integers under length, upper/lower bounds, and regularity constraints.

This is an internal library. It is used by the special purpose libraries combinat::partitions, combinat::compositions, and combinat::integerVectors which provide user-friendly interfaces.

This documentation is only provided here for the curious reader as well as for developers. The interface has been designed with efficiency in mind (no type checking, ...), and is subject to incompatible changes anytime in the future. Use at your own risk.

With the current algorithm, the constraints should satisfy the following conditions:

Those conditions are not checked by the algorithm, and the result may be completely incorrect if they are not satisfied.

→ Examples




The MuPAD domain used to represent integer lists: DOM_LIST

count – number of valid integer lists

combinat::integerListsLexTools::count(nonnegative integer n, constraints)

Returns the number of integer lists of sum n satisfying constraints.

generator – generator for valid integer lists

combinat::integerListsLexTools::generator(nonnegative integer n, constraints)

combinat::integerListsLexTools::generator(range range, constraints)

Returns a generator for the integer lists of sum n (resp. whose sum is in range) satisfying constraints.

The generator may return infinitely many elements.   In case a range is provided, the results are returned by increasing sum; this is subject to change in a later release. 

The range may be either of the form 2..7, or 1..infinity. In the later case, the generator may run into an infinite loop when there are only finitely many results if it does not manage to guess an upper bound on the sum.r

list – list of the valid integer lists

combinat::integerListsLexTools::list(nonnegative integer n, constraints)

Returns the list of the integer lists of sum n satisfying constraints.

first – first valid integer list

combinat::integerListsLexTools::first(nonnegative integer n, constraints)

Returns the first integer list of sum n satisfying constraints or FAIL if there is none.

Next – next valid integer list

combinat::integerListsLexTools::Next(integer list p, constraints)

Returns the integer list following p satisfying constraints or FAIL if there is none.

Example 1:

There are math partitions of math:


    4, 0, infinity, ()->0, ()->infinity, -infinity, 0)


Here is the list:


    4, 0, infinity, ()->0, ()->infinity, -infinity, 0)


This is the list of all partitions of math with parts at least math:


    7, 0, infinity, ()->2, ()->infinity, -infinity, 0)


This is the list of all partitions of math which are bounded above by p:=[3,2,2]:



    5, 0, nops(p), ()->0, i->p[i], -infinity, 0)


This is the list of all partitions of math which are bounded below by p:=[2,1,1]:



    5, 0, nops(p), i->p[i], ()->+infinity, -infinity, 0)


This is the list of all compositions of math:


    4, 0, infinity, ()->1, ()->infinity, -infinity, infinity)


This is the list of all integer vectors of sum math and length math:


    3, 3, 3, ()->0, ()->infinity, -infinity, infinity)


This is the list of all monomials of degree math which divide the monomial x^3y^1z^2 (a monomial being represented by its degree vector):




        4, nops(m), nops(m), ()->0, i->m[i], -infinity, infinity),



Example 2:

If maxLength=infinity and maxSlope>0, testing whether there exists a valid integer list of sum n may be only semi-decidable. In the following example, the algorithm will enter an infinite loop, because it needs to decide whether ceiling(i) is nonzero for some i:


    1, 0, infinity, ()->0, ()->0, -infinity, infinity)
