combinat::nonCrossingPartitions – non crossing set partitions
The library combinat::nonCrossingPartitions provides functions for non crossing set partitions.
A non crossing set partition of is a partition
of the set
such that there is no
in one part of
in another part of
. For example, [1,3,7], [2], [4,5], [6], [8,9] is a non crossing set partition, but [1,3], [2,4] is not (take x=1, y=3, z=2, t=4).
A non crossing set partition of is represented as a set of lists. Each list represents a part of the partition, with its elements in increasing order.
Non crossing set partitions are in bijection with Dyck words (library combinat::dyckWords), and many other discrete classes.
"domtype" |
The MuPAD domain used to represent non crossing set partitions: DOM_SET |
count – number of non crossing set partitions
combinat::nonCrossingPartitions::count(nonnegative integer n)
Returns the number of non crossing set partitions of size n.
generator – generator for non crossing set partitions
combinat::nonCrossingPartitions::generator(nonnegative integer n)
Returns a generator for the non crossing set partitions of size n.
list – list of the non crossing set partitions
combinat::nonCrossingPartitions::list(nonnegative integer n)
Returns the list of the non crossing set partitions of size n.
There are non crossing set partitions of size
Here is the list:
To generate non crossing set partitions of a given size:
g:= combinat::nonCrossingPartitions::generator(3):
g(); g(); g(); g(); g(); g()
Typically, this would be used as follows:
g := combinat::nonCrossingPartitions::generator(3):
while (p := g()) <> FAIL do print(p): end:
{[1], [2], [3]}
{[1], [2, 3]}
{[1, 2], [3]}
{[1, 3], [2]}
{[1, 2, 3]}
Non crossing set partitions implements the Biane bijection with Dyck words.
combinat::dyckWords::count(i) $ i = 1..6;
combinat::nonCrossingPartitions::count(i) $ i = 1..6
And here is a little list comparation: