timeThis – display code chunk timings
timeThis(count, code) runs a chunk of code several times, and output timing estimates about it.
prog::timeThese can be used to benchmark several pieces of code at once:
prog::timeThese(10000, ["plus"=1+1, "mult" = 100*898]):
plus: CPU: 0.0044 ms/call Wallclock: 0.0044 ms/call
mult: CPU: 0.0049 ms/call Wallclock: 0.0049 ms/call
This function is fragile, and will yield strange results if called in nontrivial contexts:
stuffToBenchmark := ["plus"=1+1, "mult" = 100*898]:
prog::timeThese(10000, stuffToBenchmark):
Error: Illegal argument [_concat];
during evaluation of 'prog::timeThese'
Changes in MuPAD 4.0
New Function.