operators::overloaded – conversions and overloaded functions

The library operators::overloaded provides a framework for conversions between domains. It also allows for defining multiparameter overloaded functions.

→ Examples

Creating Elements

operators::overloaded(default, <signatures>)



A function.


A table associating implementations to signatures.


declareDomain – declaration of a domain

operators::overloaded::declareDomain(domain F)

Declares a new domain for which conversions might be declared.

declareConversion – declaration of a new conversion

operators::overloaded::declareConversion(domain F, domain G, function math, <opt>, math)

Declares a new conversion from the domain F to the domain G implemented by conversion. The optional parameter opt can be either Explicit, to declare an explicit conversion, or describe the weight of the conversion. This weight can be a positive (non-negative?) rational (real?) number, or one of the predefined weights Default or Facade. Until proper weight scales are proposed, we strongly recommend to only use those predefined weights.

The weight Facade should be used when the conversion represents the inclusion of a system domain (say for example DOM_INT) into a facade domain (say Dom::Integer); in this case, conversion should be the identity id.

conversion should be a function taking an element of the domain F, and returning an element of the domain G (note that, for a facade domain G, the domain of an element of G may differ from G). If the conversion cannot be done, an error should be raised.

If a different conversion already exists from F to G, the former conversion is silently overwritten.  

convert – conversion of an object

operators::overloaded::convert(object, MuPAD domain G)

Converts object into the domain G using only implicit conversions, if this is possible; otherwise, returns FAIL. In the case where G is a facade domain, the domain of the result may differ from G.

convertExplicit – explicit conversion of an object

operators::overloaded::convertExplicit(object, MuPAD domain G)

Similar to convert, but both implicit and explicit conversions may be applied.

This method is typically intended to be used in the implementation of the constructor new or of the method convert of a domain. See also the category Cat::UseOverloading.

conversion – conversion between domains

operators::overloaded::conversion(MuPAD domain F, MuPAD domain G)

operators::overloaded::conversion(MuPAD domain F, MuPAD domain G, <Cost>)

Returns the minimum weight conversion between F and G. The result is a list of functions [f1,...,fk] such that an element x of F can be converted into an element of G by (fk@...@f2@f1)(x). If there is no such conversion, FAIL is returned.

Same as above, but returns the cost of the conversion, or FAIL.

printConversions – summary of existing conversions


Outputs a quick summary of the existing conversions.

declareSignature – declaration of a new signature

operators::overloaded::declareSignature(overloaded function f, list of domains signature, function math)

Declares a new signature for the overloaded function f, implemented by implementation.

Example 1:

We start by using some predefined conversions. Here is how to convert an integer into an element of math using the canonical projection:

Z3 := Dom::IntegerMod(3):

a := operators::overloaded::convert(7, Z3)


Then, we can embed math into an algebraic extension, and do the conversion:

K := Dom::AlgebraicExtension(Z3, X^2=1):

b := operators::overloaded::convert(a, K);




Being aware of the two basic conversions above, the system can apply them transitively:

operators::overloaded::convert(7, K)


Currently only the natural conversions between the basic MuPAD domains are predefined in the system:


Dom::IntegerMod(3)      -> Dom::AlgebraicExtension(Dom::IntegerMod(3), X^2 - 1 = 0, X)

DOM_COMPLEX     -> Dom::Complex

Dom::Real       -> Dom::Complex

DOM_EXPR        -> Dom::ExpressionField()

DOM_IDENT       -> Dom::ExpressionField()

Dom::Complex    -> Dom::ExpressionField()

DOM_FLOAT       -> Dom::Float

Dom::Rational   -> Dom::Float

DOM_INT         -> Dom::Integer

Dom::Integer    -> Dom::IntegerMod(3)

DOM_RAT         -> Dom::Rational

Dom::Integer    -> Dom::Rational

Dom::Float      -> Dom::Real

Dom::Rational   -> Dom::Real

Most of those conversions are actually trivial, since the target domains are facade domains like Dom::Integer. Furthermore, for parametrized domains like Dom::IntegerMod(3), the conversions are declared on the fly when the domains are created.

It is easy to extend the system to deal with new domains and conversions. We define the ring P of univariate polynomials over K, declare it to the conversion system, and declare the canonical embedding from the field K:

P := Dom::UnivariatePolynomial(x, K):


operators::overloaded::declareConversion(K, P,

                  c -> multcoeffs(P::one, c)):


Now, we indifferently can do conversions from the integers, from math, or from math into P:

c := operators::overloaded::convert(7, P);




Example 2:

We define a new overloaded function myconcat which, by default, returns an unevaluated call:

myconcat := operators::overloaded

(() -> (userinfo(0, "default implementation"); hold(myconcat)(args())),


         ((s1,s2) -> (userinfo(0, "concatenating strings"); s1.s2)),

       [DOM_LIST,   DOM_LIST]   =

         ((s1,s2) -> (userinfo(0, "concatenating lists"); s1.s2)))):

myconcat can be used indifferently to concatenate two strings or two lists:

setuserinfo(Any, 1):

setuserinfo(Graph, 0):

myconcat("bla", "ble");

myconcat([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])

Info: concatenating strings



Info: concatenating lists



By default, an unevaluated call is returned:

myconcat(35, 73)

Info: default implementation



Let us extend the concatenation to integers, in a non standard way:



   [Dom::Integer, Dom::Integer],

   (x, y) -> (userinfo(0, "concatenating integers");


myconcat(35, 73)

Info: concatenating integers



Of course, this is not very well defined, in particular if the second argument is negative!

myconcat(35, -73)

Info: concatenating integers



setuserinfo(Any, 0):


The point of all this is just to highlight the fact that the programmer should be very careful with the semantic of the conversions and overloaded operators he or she defines. The system does not check that they are consistent in any way; in most cases that would be impossible.

To conclude here are some examples of not-so-well defined conversions that are likely to produce problems in a larger scale environment:



operators::overloaded::declareConversion(DOM_IDENT, DOM_STRING, expr2text):

myconcat(bla,   "ble");

myconcat("bla", ble);

myconcat(bla,   ble)




Note in particular what happens in the last computation: the system did not know how to concatenate two identifiers; so it decided to lift both identifiers into strings, and concatenate them as strings. In some cases, this behavior is perfectly acceptable (the result may, for example, live in a domain that is isomorphic to the domain of at least one of the operands), but in most cases it is not. In a future version of this library, we plan to provide means to forbid such conversions.


Changes in MuPAD 3

New Function.