muEC::SG::Perm2Rothe – calculates the Rothe diagram of a permutation
The muEC::SG::Perm2Rothe function calculates the Rothe diagram of a permutation.
The matrix of the x's is the matrix representing the permutation.
Reading the entries from right to left and top to bottom, one obtains a canonical reduced decomposition of the permutation ( stands for the simple transposition exchanging
perm: |
any list denoting a permutation |
Related Functions:
print( Unquoted, muEC::SG::Perm2Rothe([6,1,4,5,3,2]) );
+- -+
| 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, x |
| |
| x, ., ., ., ., . |
| |
| ., 3, 4, x, ., . |
| |
| ., 4, 5, ., x, . |
| |
| ., 5, x, ., ., . |
| |
| ., x, ., ., ., . |
+- -+
muEC::SG::Perm2Rd( [6,1,4,5,3,2] );