1. Defining new combinatorial classes
For shortening the notations, we export the library combinat:
Let us define one of the most trivial combinatorial classes:
domain oddIntegers
// This is a domain (not a library):
inherits Dom::BaseDomain;
// This is a graded combinatorial class:
category Cat::GradedCombinatorialClass,
// and a facade domain:
info_str := "The class of non negative odd integers";
isA := n -> bool(testtype(n, Type::PosInt) and n mod 2 = 1);
// The size of an odd integer is itself
size := n -> n;
count := n -> if n mod 2 = 1 then 1 else 0 end_if;
list := n -> if n mod 2 = 1 then [n] else [] end_if;
// No need to define generator;
// it is defined via list by default
In a first approximation, the three lines inherits, category, and axiom may be safely ignored and kept verbatim. For a deeper understanding, we strongly recommend to read the detailed explanations about the implementation of combinatorial classes in the design notes.
Now, this combinatorial class can be used like all the others:
testtype(x, oddIntegers), testtype(-3, oddIntegers),
testtype(2, oddIntegers), testtype(3, oddIntegers);
In particular, it can be used as building block for constructing new combinatorial classes like, say, integer partitions with odd parts:
oddPartsPartitions := combinat::decomposableObjects
([P = Multiset(oddIntegers)]):
Exercise: Improve the definition above so that oddIntegers::count(-1) raises an error instead of returning .
It is often practical to define a sub-class of an existing class. Here we show how to define the class of the permutations of [1,2,3]:
domain permutationsOf123
// Inherits all the methods from combinat::permutations
inherits permutations;
category Cat::CombinatorialClass,
info_str := "the class of the permutations of [1,2,3]";
// Redefinition of isA, count and generator
isA := (p) -> permutations::isA(p, [1,2,3]);
count := () -> permutations::count([1,2,3]);
generator := () -> permutations::generator([1,2,3]);
// No need to redefine list, since it is
// defined via generator by default
Let us use this new combinatorial class:
testtype(x, permutationsOf123),
testtype([1, 2, 3, 4], permutationsOf123),
testtype([1, 2, 2], permutationsOf123),
testtype([1, 3, 2], permutationsOf123);
Note: instead of implementing permutationsOf123 by hand, we could have alternatively used the generic utility combinat::subClass; it allows one to automatically define a sub-class of an existing combinatorial class by providing extra parameters to be passed down to all the methods count, list, etc.:
permutationsOf123 := subClass(permutations, Parameters = 3):
Define a parametrized domain permutationsOf(m) for the permutations of the list m (or of [1..m] if m is an integer);
Define the combinatorial class of prime integers;
Define a parametrized domain classOfSet({a,b,c}) that creates the trivial combinatorial class composed of the elements a, b, and c. You may assume that all the elements of the set are identifiers, and define the domtype entry as DOM_IDENT.
To conclude, we define the combinatorial class of Fibonacci words. Essentially, we reuse the definition of fiWords above, and wrap it into a domain to add type checking:
domain FibonacciWords
inherits Dom::BaseDomain;
// The objects of this class are defined by a grammar
category Cat::DecomposableClass,
// The objects this class are represented by lists:
info_str := "the class of Fibonacci words";
// The type of the elements of this class:
// a procedure that tests if w is a Fibonacci word
isA := proc(w : Type::AnyType,
size = 0 : Type::NonNegInt)
local i;
if domtype(w) <> DOM_LIST then return(FALSE); end_if;
for i from 1 to nops(w) do
if (w[i] <> A and w[i] <> B) or
(i < nops(w) and w[i]=B and w[i+1]=B) then
if args(0) = 1 then TRUE else
bool(nops(w) = size);
// The size of a Fibonacci word is its length
size := nops;
// The grammar which defines the objects of this class
grammar := decomposableObjects(
[FiWords = Alias(FiWordsRec, DOM_LIST),
FiWordsRec = Union(
Alias(Prod(Atom(A), FiWordsRec), op),
Alias(Prod(Atom(B), Atom(A), FiWordsRec), op))]);
Now, we can do type checking with this domain:
testtype(x, FibonacciWords),
testtype([A, B, C], FibonacciWords),
testtype([A, B, B], FibonacciWords),
testtype([A, B, A], FibonacciWords)
And of course, we can still use all the previous functionalities of fiWords:
And finally if we wanted to extract the second element of the list without expanding it we can ask for the words of rank 2 in the list:
FibonacciWords::unrank(2, 4)
Add two methods toString and fromString which converts a Fibonacci word to and from a string.
Define a parametrized domain FibonacciWords(A,B) for the Fibonacci words on the letter A and B.