combinat::integerVectorsWeighted – weighted integer vectors
The library combinat::integerVectorsWeighted provides functions for counting, generating, and manipulating weighted integer vectors.
Cat::CombinatorialClass, Cat::FacadeDomain(DOM_LIST)
Cat::CombinatorialClass, Cat::FacadeDomain(DOM_LIST)
See Also:
Let w be a vector of weights, ie. a list of k positive integers, and let n be a nonnegative integer. A w-weighted integer vector of sum n is a list v of k nonnegative integers such that
For example, [1,2,0] is a [3,1,1]-weighted integer vector of sum .
If , then a w-weighted integer vector of sum n is an integer vector of sum n; we suggest to use the much faster combinat::integerVectors library in this case.
If are variables with degree given by then a w-weighted integer vector of sum n is the exponent vector of a monomial of total degree n in those variables.
"domtype" |
The MuPAD domain used to represent weighted integer vectors: DOM_LIST |
count – number of weighted integer vectors
combinat::integerVectorsWeighted::count(nonnegative integer n, weight vector w)
Returns the number of w-weighted integer vectors of sum n.
list – list of the weighted integer vectors
combinat::integerVectorsWeighted::list(nonnegative integer n, weight vector w)
Returns the list of the w-weighted integer vectors of sum n.
generator – generator for weighted integer vectors
combinat::integerVectorsWeighted::generator(nonnegative integer n, weight vector w)
Returns a generator for the w-weighted integer vectors of sum n.
generatingSeries – generating series for weighted integer vectors
combinat::integerVectorsWeighted::generatingSeries(weight vector , <indeterminate >)
Returns the generating series in z for the w-weighted integer vectors by sum.
There are [3,1,2]-weighted integer vectors of sum :
combinat::integerVectorsWeighted::count(5, [3,1,2])
Here is the list:
combinat::integerVectorsWeighted::list(5, [3,1,2])
Finally, this is the generating series for the [3,1,2]-weighted integer vectors:
We search for all the ways to pay a cents postal fee using stamps of , , and cents:
Where [1,1,2] means that we need one stamp of cents, another of and two of .
Another approach is to look for the partitions of including only , , and . This is easily done by:
This library uses a crude backtrack algorithm with simple heuristics; this can be slow!