combinat::graphs – unlabelled graphs, an interface with Nauty

combinat::graphs is an interface with the Nauty  C library for manipulating unlabelled graphs.

→ Examples


count – number of graphs

combinat::graphs::count(nonnegative integer math, <constraints>)

Returns the number of graphs on n vertices satisfying constraints.

list – list of graphs

combinat::graphs::list(nonnegative integer math, <constraints>)

Returns the list of the graphs on n vertices satisfying constraints.

size – number of vertices of a graph

combinat::graphs::size(dom g)

Returns the number of vertices of g.

getVertices – vertices of a graph

combinat::graphs::getVertices(dom g)

Returns the list of the vertices of g.

getEdges – edges of a graph

combinat::graphs::getEdges(dom g)

Returns the list of the edges of g.

getEdgeNumber – number of edges of a graph

combinat::graphs::getEdgeNumber(dom g)

Returns the number of edges of g.

outDegree – out degree

combinat::graphs::outDegree(dom g, vertex i)

Returns the out degree of the vertex i of g.

outDegrees – out degrees

combinat::graphs::outDegrees(dom g)

Returns the list of the out degrees of the vertices of g.

addEdges – adding edges

combinat::graphs::addEdges(dom g, list of edges edges)

Returns a copy of g with the edges in edges added.

removeEdges – removing edges

combinat::graphs::removeEdges(dom g, list of edges edges)

Returns a copy of g with the edges in edges removed.

relabel – relabelling of the vertices

combinat::graphs::relabel(dom g, standard permutation p)

Returns a copy of g, with the vertices relabelled according to the permutation p; that is, the node i of the new graph corresponds to the node p[i] of g.

sublabel – induced subgraph

combinat::graphs::sublabel(dom g, list of vertices p)

Returns an isomorphic copy of the induced subgraph of g on the vertices p. The node i of the new graph corresponds to the node p[i] of g.

When p is a standard permutation, this is equivalent to relabel above.

straighten – canonical representative

combinat::graphs::straighten(dom g)

Returns a canonical isomorphic copy of g.

removeIsolatedVertices – removing isolated vertices

combinat::graphs::removeIsolatedVertices(dom g)

Returns an isomorphic copy of g with the isolated vertices removed.

directSum – direct sum of two graphs

combinat::graphs::directSum(dom g, dom h)

Returns the direct sum of g and h; it is obtained by a copy of g, with the vertices relabelled according to some permutation p; that is, the node i of the new graph corresponds to the node p[i] of g.

Example 1:

Here is the list of all math unlabelled unoriented loopfree simple graphs on math vertices:



Let's take the math-th one:

g := combinat::graphs(4)[4]


It is displayed using adjacency lists: for each vertex, the list of its neighbors is given. Some basic accessors, named as in the Graph library, allow to retrieve information from the graph:









Example 2:

Let us take two small graphs:

lg := combinat::graphs::list(5):

g1 := lg[10];

g2 := lg[25];



The direct sum of g1 and g2 is the graph

gd := combinat::graphs::directSum(g1, g2)


The canonical labelling of gd is

gc := combinat::graphs::straighten(gd)


One can check indeed that a relabelling of gd gives gc 

gc := combinat::graphs::relabel(gd, [1,2,3,6,7,8,4,9,10,5]);


Changes in MuPAD 3.1

New Function.