combinat::graphPaths – paths in a directed graph with labelled arrows
combinat::graphPaths(graph) provides methods for counting, listing, and manipulating paths in the directed graph graph with no circuits.
A directed graph is the data of two disjoint sets (the set of vertices) and (the set of arrows) together with two maps (the source map) and (the target map). If is an arrow, the vertex (resp. ) is called the source (resp. the target) of . Each arrow is here identified to its label.
If is an directed graph, a path in is a sequence of arrows such that the source of the arrow is equal to the target of for each . The path is then denoted by , its source (resp. target) is the source of (resp. of ) and its length is . For each vertex we add a stationnary path (considered as an empty sequence of arrows) with source and target equal to and with length .
Assume that is a directed graph. If and are two paths in , the concatenation of and is defined when the source is equal to the target of . The path is then given by concatenating the sequence of arrows of with the one of .
Let be a directed graph and assume that the vertices of are ordered: , then the adjacency matrix is the matrix such that is equal to the number of arrows of with source and target .
A directed graph is encoded by a list graph with two elements. The first element graph[1] of graph is the number of vertices of the graph. We always assume that the vertices are 1,2,...,graph[1]. The second element graph[2] of graph is a table which assigns to each arrow a list containing its source and its target.
If graph encodes a directed graph , the path in (with and an arrow for each ) with source x and target y is encoded by the list [y, alpha[n],..., alpha[1], x]. In particular, the stationnary path at the vertex x is encoded by [x, x].
If graph is a directed graph, then combinat::graphPaths(graph) represents the combinatorial class of the paths in this graphi graph, also called here the ambient graph.
"domtype" |
The MuPAD domain used to represent paths: DOM_LIST |
isA – tests if an object is a path in the given graph
combinat::graphPaths::isA(any type p)
Returns TRUE if p is a path in the ambient graph and FALSE otherwise.
count – number of paths
Returns the number of paths in the ambient graph, one can specify the target and/or the source.
source – source of a path
combinat::graphPaths::source(path p)
Returns the source of the path p.
target – target of a path
combinat::graphPaths::target(path p)
Returns the target of the path p.
length – length of a path
combinat::graphPaths::length(path p)
Returns the length of the path p.
_concat – concatenation of two paths
combinat::graphPaths::_concat(path v, path u)
Returns the concatenation v.u of the paths v and u when it is defined and FAIL otherwise.
edgesLeaving – arrows starting from a vertex
combinat::graphPaths::edgesLeaving(vertex x)
Returns the list of the arrows with source x.
edgesArrivingAt – arrows ending at a vertex
combinat::graphPaths::edgesArrivingAt(vertex x)
Returns the list of the arrows with target x.
adjacencyMatrix – adjacency matrix of the graph
combinat::graphPaths::adjacencyMatrix(directed graph graph)
Returns the adjacency matrix of the graph graph: this is a square matrix of size graph[1] x graph[1], whose value at row i and column j is equal to the number of arrows with source i and target j.
countMatrix – matrix counting the paths in the graph
Returns a square matrix of size graph[1] x graph[1], whose value at row i and column j is equal to the number of paths with source i and target j.
maxLength – the maximal length of the paths in the ambient graph
Returns the maximal length of the paths in the graph.
Consider the following graph:
graph := [4,table(a=[1,2], b=[1,2], c=[2,3], d=[3,4], e=[2,4])]:
alias(S = combinat::graphPaths(graph)):
S::isA([1, 1])
S::isA([2, a, 1])
S::isA([4, d, c, a, 1])
S::isA([2, b, a, 1])
S::source([1, 1])
S::source([4, e, b, 1])
S::target([1, 1])
S::target([4, e, b, 1])
S::length([1, 1])
S::length([2, a, 1])
S::length([4, d, c, a, 1])
S::list(Source = 1, Target = 4)
S::_concat([2, a, 1], [1, 1])
S::_concat([4, e, a, 1], [1, 1])
S::_concat([2, a, 1], [2, b, 1])
Changes in MuPAD 3.2
New Function.