combinat::generators – generators

The library combinat::generators provides functions for producing and manipulating generators.

→ Examples




The empty generator, iterating over the empty set

count – number of elements generated by a generator

combinat::generators::count(generator g)

Returns the number of elements generated by g.

accumulate – accumulate the elements generated by a generator

combinat::generators::accumulate(generator g)

combinat::generators::accumulate(generator g, <start, function accumulator>)

Returns the sum of the elements generated by g.

Starts from r:=start, and accumulate each element e generated by g with r := accumulator(r,e). Finally, returns r.

toList – list of the elements generated by a generator

combinat::generators::toList(generator g)

Returns the list of the elements generated by g.

See also combinat::generators::fromList.

singleton – generator for a single value


Returns a generator which produce value once and then fails.

repeater – generator repeating a value


combinat::generators::repeater(value, nonnegative integer n)

Returns a generator repeating value forever.

Returns a generator repeating valuen times.

fromRange – generator from range

combinat::generators::fromRange(range math, <real step>)

Returns a generator iterating over the elements in the range i..j. An optional parameter rstep may be given to iterate through i, i+rstep, ..., i+k*rstep. Negative rstep are allowed, with the natural semantic.

fromList – generator from list

combinat::generators::fromList(list l)

Returns a generator iterating over the elements of the list l.

See also combinat::generators::toList.

fromNext – generator from first value and next operation

combinat::generators::fromNext(first, function fnext)

Returns a generator iterating over the sequence first, fnext(first),fnext(fnext(first)), ... The function fnext must return FAIL if there is no next object.

fromUnrank – generator from unrank function

combinat::generators::fromUnrank(unrank fuonction f, <options>)

Returns a generator iterating over the sequence f(1, options), f(2, options), f(3, options), ... If f(r, options) is not defined for large r the function f must return FAIL for such r.

map – application of a function on a generator

combinat::generators::map(generator g, function f)

Returns a generator iterating over the images by f of the elements generated by g.

compose – composition of a generator and a function

combinat::generators::compose(function f, generator g)

Returns a generator iterating over the images by f of the elements generated by g (deprecated; please use the equivalent function combinat::generators::map).

select – generator filter

combinat::generators::select(generator g, predicate f, <options>)

Returns a generator iterating over the elements e generated by g which satisfy the criterion f(e, options).

concat – concatenation of generators

combinat::generators::concat(<generator g1>, <generator g2>, <math, generator gk>)

Returns a generator iterating over the elements generated successively by the generators g1, g2, ..., gk.

cartesian – cartesian product of generators

combinat::generators::cartesian(<generator g1>, <generator g2>, <math, generator gk>)

Returns a generator iterating over the lists [e1,e2,...,ek] where e1,e2,...,ek are elements generated respectively by g1,g2,...,gk.

cartesianPower – cartesian power product of a generator

combinat::generators::cartesianPower(generator g, non negative integer k)

Returns a generator iterating over the lists [e1,e2,...,ek] of math elements generated by g.

multiset – multiset of a generator

combinat::generators::multiset(generator g, non negative integer k)

Returns a generator iterating over the multisets {{e1,e2,...,ek}} of elements generated by g.

powerset – powerset of a generator

combinat::generators::powerset(generator g, non negative integer k)

Returns a generator iterating over the sets {e1,e2,...,ek} of elements generated by g.

pipe – composition of a generators and a generator constructor

combinat::generators::pipe(generator g, generator constructor math, <options>)

Returns the concatenation of the generators constructed by successive calls of construct(g(), options).

copy – copy of a generator

combinat::generators::copy(generator g)

Returns a copy of the generator g. The copy is a generator which gives the same result as g, but is independent (no reference effect). Calling g does not affect the copy and conversely.

Example 1:

We demonstrate how to construct simple generators. The empty generator iterates over the empty set, and thus returns FAIL immediately:

g := combinat::generators::empty:



The following generator repeats a forever:

g := combinat::generators::repeater(a):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


This one repeats a three times:

g := combinat::generators::repeater(a, 3):

g(), g(), g(), g()


We build a generator which iterates over the elements of the list [a,b,c]:

g := combinat::generators::fromList([a,b,c]):

g(), g(), g(), g()


Here is a generator iterating over the range -1..2:

g := combinat::generators::fromRange(-1..2):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


The same generator, going down:

g := combinat::generators::fromRange(2..-1, -1):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


We build a generator using the natural recursive definition of nonnegative integers:

g := combinat::generators::fromNext(0, n->n+1):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Another way to do that is to use an unranking function:

g := combinat::generators::fromUnrank((n)->n-1):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Here is a way to define a generator for lists of length math with math zeros and only one math.

n := 5:

g := combinat::generators::fromUnrank(

     (x, len) -> if x <= len then [0$(x-1), 1, 0$(len-x)]

     else FAIL end_if, n):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Example 2:

Generators can be modified in different ways. With combinat::generators::map one can apply a function on the elements generated. Here is a generator for the squares of nonnegative integers:

g := combinat::generators::map(

        combinat::generators::fromNext(0, n->n+1),



g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


combinat::generators::select is handy to pick out the elements generated which satisfy a criterion. Here is a brute-force generator for prime numbers:

g := combinat::generators::select(

        combinat::generators::fromNext(0, n->n+1),


g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Beware of infinite loops when selecting elements out of an infinite generator. Here is a brain-dead generator for the positive integers less or equal to math:

g := combinat::generators::select(

        combinat::generators::fromNext(1, n->n+1),

        _leequal, 5):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Calling g() once more would not terminate!

Example 3:

Generators can be combined together. This is a generator for the union of the ranges 1..3 and 7..8:

g := combinat::generators::concat(



g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


This is a generator for the cartesian product of the ranges 1..3 and 7..8:

g := combinat::generators::cartesian(



g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


combinat::generators::pipe allows for concatenating a series of similar generators which are constructed on the fly from the successive result of another generator. Here is a generator for the sequence 1,2,2,3,3,3,...:

g := combinat::generators::pipe(

        combinat::generators::fromNext(0, n->n+1),


g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Typically, this can be used for building a generator for all integer partitions, size by size:

g := combinat::generators::pipe(

        combinat::generators::fromNext(0, n->n+1),


g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


Example 4:

We demonstrate how to construct your own generators. To define a non-constant generator g, we need to modify the internal state of the object g. Due to the default copy-semantic of MuPAD (no reference effect, see copyClosure), this is impractical with most objects. The only exceptions to this rule are closures, domains (not domain elements!), and objects defined in dynamic modules.

The easiest way to define a generator in MuPAD is to use closures. Here is a generator for the sequence 1^3,2^3,3^3,4^3:

power_generator :=


    local i;

    option escape;


    i := 0;

    proc() begin i := i+1; i^k; end_proc



g := power_generator(3):

g(), g(), g(), g(), g()


What happens here is that the variable i in the procedure g returned by power_generator is lexically bound to the context of power_generator (note the option escape). Hence, its value is persistent across successive calls of g.

Example 5:

Generators, as all closures, display a reference effect:

g := combinat::generators::fromNext(1, n->n+1):

g(), g();

h := g:

g(), g();

h(), h();

g(), g()





This effect also appears when passing a generator as argument to a function:

g := combinat::generators::fromNext(1, n->n+1):

consume := proc(g) begin g(); end_proc:

g(), g();

consume(g), consume(g);

g(), g()




This reference effect can be broken by making a full copy of the generator with the method combinat::generators::copy:

g := combinat::generators::fromNext(1, n->n+1):

g(), g();

h := combinat::generators::copy(g):

g(), g();

h(), h();

g(), g()





Note that this does not work for all generators (see background):

g := combinat::generators::fromNext(1, n->n+1):

h := proc() begin  g(); g(); end_proc:

h(), h();

h2 := combinat::generators::copy(h):

h(), h();

h2(), h2();

h(), h()




