Cat::CombinatorialModule – the category of combinatorial modules
Cat::CombinatorialModule represents the category of combinatorial modules.
A Cat::CombinatorialModule is a combinatorial class equiped with a structure of module. Namely, comes with generators in and operators from to such that each element in is obtained from some generator by the successive application of the generators: .
The rank of an element is the minimum of the number of operators to be applied over one generator in order to get . The generators of the module have rank .
The main functionalities provided by this categories are the generation of all the elements of the combinatorial module, and the drawing of the graph depicting the module structure. The drawing is currently done by exporting a graph descriptions in the dot language, suitable for previewing, manipulation, and high quality drawing by the software suite.
"moduleGenerators" |
This mandatory list contains the generators of the module. |
"operators" |
This mandatory entry implements the operators acting on the module. In the simplest form, this entry can be a simple list of functions which each take an element of to another element of . In that case, the operators are indexed by . It is often natural to consider partial operators which are only defined on a subset of . In that case, they may return the value FAIL. For maximal flexibility, the operators can be specified by a single function that returns an associative container which models the set of all the images by the operators . The index set may model any finite set, and need not be the same for all . This effectively allows for modelling any directed graph; the nodes are the elements of the module, and the edges are labelled by the indices of operators. The indices are mainly used as labels in the graph drawing functionnalities. |
list – list of elements of the module
Returns the list of all the elements of the module. The default implementation is to use successive application of the operators over the module generators and their successors (depth first search, with usual time complexity and memory complexity).
listGraded – graded list of elements of the module
Returns all the elements of the module, as a table associating to each rank the elements of that rank.
dotClass – the graph of the module, in dot format
Returns the graph depicting the structure of the module, as a string in dot format.
dotClassGraded – the graded graph of the module, in dot format
Returns the graph depicting the structure of the module, as a string in dot format, with extra layout information so that nodes of same rank are drawn at the same level.
The Depth option can specify the number of rows one likes to drawn in the graded graph.
When a function is called with the Fibers option, the graph of the combinatorial class is splitted in classes, see the example 1 for details.
We define the combinatorial module permutohedron of order 3:
domain permutohedron4
inherits Dom::BaseDomain;
category Cat::CombinatorialModule,
moduleGenerators:= [[1,2,3,4]];
operators:= [x-> combinat::words::swapDecrease(x,1),
x-> combinat::words::swapDecrease(x,2),
x-> combinat::words::swapDecrease(x,3)];
Note that operators could alternatively be defined as a single function x -> [combinat::words::swapDecrease(x,i) $i=1..3].
Now, we generate the list of all the elements:
This one is the graded list:
This is the dot graded expression of the domain:
print(Unquoted, permutohedron4::dotClassGraded())
digraph G {
node [shape=plaintext];
N_1 [label = " [1, 2, 3, 4] " ];
N_2 [label = " [2, 1, 3, 4] " ];
N_1 -> N_2 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_3 [label = " [1, 3, 2, 4] " ];
N_1 -> N_3 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_4 [label = " [1, 2, 4, 3] " ];
N_1 -> N_4 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
{rank=same; N_2; N_3; N_4; }
N_5 [label = " [2, 3, 1, 4] " ];
N_2 -> N_5 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_6 [label = " [2, 1, 4, 3] " ];
N_2 -> N_6 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_7 [label = " [3, 1, 2, 4] " ];
N_3 -> N_7 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_8 [label = " [1, 3, 4, 2] " ];
N_3 -> N_8 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_4 -> N_6 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_9 [label = " [1, 4, 2, 3] " ];
N_4 -> N_9 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
{rank=same; N_5; N_6; N_7; N_8; N_9; }
N_10 [label = " [3, 2, 1, 4] " ];
N_5 -> N_10 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_11 [label = " [2, 3, 4, 1] " ];
N_5 -> N_11 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_12 [label = " [2, 4, 1, 3] " ];
N_6 -> N_12 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_7 -> N_10 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_13 [label = " [3, 1, 4, 2] " ];
N_7 -> N_13 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_8 -> N_13 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_14 [label = " [1, 4, 3, 2] " ];
N_8 -> N_14 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_15 [label = " [4, 1, 2, 3] " ];
N_9 -> N_15 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_9 -> N_14 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
{rank=same; N_10; N_11; N_12; N_13; N_14; N_15; }
N_16 [label = " [3, 2, 4, 1] " ];
N_10 -> N_16 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_11 -> N_16 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_17 [label = " [2, 4, 3, 1] " ];
N_11 -> N_17 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_18 [label = " [4, 2, 1, 3] " ];
N_12 -> N_18 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_12 -> N_17 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_19 [label = " [3, 4, 1, 2] " ];
N_13 -> N_19 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_20 [label = " [4, 1, 3, 2] " ];
N_14 -> N_20 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_15 -> N_18 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_15 -> N_20 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
{rank=same; N_16; N_17; N_18; N_19; N_20; }
N_21 [label = " [3, 4, 2, 1] " ];
N_16 -> N_21 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_22 [label = " [4, 2, 3, 1] " ];
N_17 -> N_22 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_18 -> N_22 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_23 [label = " [4, 3, 1, 2] " ];
N_19 -> N_23 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_19 -> N_21 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
N_20 -> N_23 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
{rank=same; N_21; N_22; N_23; }
N_24 [label = " [4, 3, 2, 1] " ];
N_21 -> N_24 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 1 " ];
N_22 -> N_24 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 2 " ];
N_23 -> N_24 [color = "#000000", fontcolor = "#000000", label = " 3 " ];
Which produces this dot picture: 1
Graph of the permutohedron of size 4
The Fibers option of the dotClassGraded function provides a way to restrict the permuthohedron to classes. The next example pictures the plactic classes, that is, the permutations that give the same tableau by the Schensted insertion algorithm.
permutohedron4::dotClassGraded(Fibers= (z -> combinat::tableaux::schensted(z)[1]))
The output produces this dot picture: 1
Plactic classes on the permutohedron of size 4
In this example, we implement an (admittedly trivial) combinatorial module whose elements are with two (partial) operators and such that and . We want the names and to appear as labels on the edges of the module graph. To this end, we define operators as a single function which returns both images and , and use the gadget combinat::classes::valuesOfTable to label them with the names and of the operators:
domain sl4
inherits Dom::BaseDomain;
category Cat::CombinatorialModule, Cat::FacadeDomain(DOM_INT);
moduleGenerators:= [1];
operators :=
proc(m: dom)
e = if m > 1 then m-1 else FAIL end_if,
f = if m < 5 then m+1 else FAIL end_if
Changes in MuPAD 4.0
New Function.