This place is for you, users of MuPAD-Combinat, to give your opinion on this
piece of software. Your positive and negative comments will be very valuable
to our developers, to justify their work and to know what needs to be improved.
In particular, if you are using MuPAD-Combinat for your research, this is a
good place for listing your articles that have beneficiated from it!
- Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thiéry; MuPAD-Combinat, an
open-source package for research in algebraic combinatorics;
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire vol. 51 (13); 70 pages;
- Florent Hivert and Nicolas M. Thiéry; Non-commutative deformation of
symmetric functions and the integral Steenrod algebra; 35
pages;Proceedings of the Classical Invariant Theory Workshop,
Kingston, April 8-19 2002
- Nicolas M. Thiéry; Computing minimal generating sets of invariant
rings of permutation groups with SAGBI-Gröbner bases; Discrete
models: combinatorics, computation, and geometry (Paris, 2001),
Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AA, pages 315--328. Maison
Inform. Math. Discrèt. (MIMD), Paris, 2001.
Nicolas M. Thiéry; Algebraic invariants of graphs: a study based on
computer exploration; SIGSAM Bulletin (ACM Special Interest Group
on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation) (14), 340 (3):0 9--20, Sept.
2000; Related poster Awarded best poster prize at ISSAC'99 (15);
- Maurice Pouzet and Nicolas M. Thiéry; Invariants algébriques de
graphes et reconstruction; Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des
Sciences, 3330 (9):0 821--826, 2001;
- François Descouens; Un algorithme de génération des tableaux de rubans et de calcul du polynome de spin.
Accepté pour les Journées Montoises de Septembre 2004
- Sandrine-Dominique Gouraud; Utilisation des Structures Combinatoires pour le Test Statistique;
Mémoire de doctorat; juin 2004; Université Paris XI;
- S.-D. Gouraud; AuGuSTe: un Outil pour le Test Statistique; AFADL 2004;
- Nantel Bergeron, Florent Hivert and Jean-Yves Thibon; The peak algebra and the Hecke–Clifford algebras at q=0; Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A; P 1-19; 2004
- F. HIvert J.-C. Novelli and J.-Y. Thibon; An analogue of the plactic monoid for binary search trees; Comptes-Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences 335 (2002), 577-581.
- F. HIvert J.-C. Novelli and J.-Y. Thibon; The algebra of binary search trees; C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I, 337 (2003), 565-568.
- Alain Denise, Marie-Claude Gaudel and S.-D. Gouraud; A Generic Method for Statistical Testing;
In 15th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering; novembre 2004; à paraître;