The SystemInfoPlugin provides access to lower level system information for the platform PhpWiki is installed on.

 Usage:  <?plugin SystemInfo all ?>
      or <?plugin SystemInfo pagestats cachestats discspace hitstats ?>
      or <?plugin SystemInfo version ?>
      or <?plugin SystemInfo current_theme ?>
      or <?plugin SystemInfo PHPWIKI_DIR ?>


lib/plugin/SystemInfo.php(In template 'browse'?)(In template 'body'?)(In template 'htmldump'?):316: Warning[2]: OpenDir: No such file or directory (errno 2)

lib/plugin/SystemInfo.php(In template 'browse'?)(In template 'body'?)(In template 'htmldump'?):345: Warning[2]: OpenDir: No such file or directory (errno 2)

Application name: PhpWiki
PhpWiki engine version: 1.3.5pre
Database: db type: dba, dba handler: gdbm, timeout: 20
Cache statistics: cached pagedata: 87, cached versiondata: 87
Page statistics: 106 pages, 86 not-empty pages
User statistics: 1 homepages
Hit statistics: total hits: 2400, max: 376, mean: 27.907, median: 6, stddev: 5.314; 74 pages with less than 37 hits (<10%). 1 page(s) with more than 338 hits (>90%).
Expiry parameters: Keep up to 8 major edits, but keep them no longer than 32 days. Keep up to 4 minor edits, but keep them no longer than 7 days. Keep the latest contributions of the last 8 authors up to 365 days. Additionally, try to keep the latest contributions of all authors in the last 7 days (even if there are more than 8 of them,) but in no case keep more than 20 unique author revisions.
Wikiname regexp: (?<![0-9A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ])(?:[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-Þ][a-zß-öø-ÿ]+){2,}(?![0-9A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ])
Allowed protocols: http https mailto ftp news nntp ssh gopher
Inline images: png jpg gif
Available plugins: Total 51 plugins: AllPages, AllUsers, BackLinks, CacheTest, Calendar, Comment, EditMetaData, ExternalSearch, FrameInclude, FullTextSearch, FuzzyPages, HelloWorld, IncludePage, InterWikiSearch, LikePages, MostPopular, OldStyleTable, OrphanedPages, PageGroup, PageHistory, PageInfo, PageTrail, PhotoAlbum, PhpHighlight, PhpWeather, PluginManager, PrevNext, RandomPage, RawHtml, RecentChanges, RecentChangesCached, RedirectTo, SiteMap, SystemInfo, text2png, TexToPng, TitleSearch, Transclude, UnfoldSubpages, UpLoad, UserPreferences, VisualWiki, WantedPages, WikiAdminRemove, WikiAdminSelect, WikiAdminUtils, WikiBlog, WikiForm, _BackendInfo, _MailifyPage, _PreferencesInfo
Supported languages: Total of 1 languages: en. Current language: 'en'
Supported themes: Total of 0 themes: . Current theme: 'default'
Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS!
Page Execution took real: 11.080, user: 4.840, sys: 0.730 seconds