muEC::TYP – mu-EC library for type checking (package Combinat, deprecated)
The muEC::TYP library provides functions to check that a -EC object is well typed (or well formed). Common objects such as compositions, partitions, symmetric functions can be tested, but this list is not exhaustive...
muEC::TYP::IsBorder – tests whether the argument is a border of a partition
muEC::TYP::IsCompo – tests whether the argument is a composition
muEC::TYP::IsDiagonal – tests whether the argument is a diagonal encoding of a partition
muEC::TYP::IsName – tests whether the argument is an x.i indeterminate
muEC::TYP::IsPart – tests whether the argument is a partition
muEC::TYP::IsPerm – tests for permutations
muEC::TYP::IsRegPart – tests whether the argument is a n-regular partition
muEC::TYP::IsSkewDiag – tests whether the argument is a skew diagram
muEC::TYP::IsSkewPart – tests whether the argument is a skew partition
muEC::TYP::Ise – tests whether the argument is a product of generators of the e-basis
muEC::TYP::Ish – tests whether the argument is a product of generators of the h-basis
muEC::TYP::Ism – tests whether the argument is a generator of the m-basis
muEC::TYP::Isp – tests whether the argument is a product of generators of the p-basis
muEC::TYP::Iss – tests whether the argument is a generator of the s-basis
muEC::TYP::Permutation – how permutations are encoded in mu-EC