1. Combinatorial Hopf Algebras

Let us finish this tour by showing a small example of Hopf algebra: the free algebra over the integers, those being primitive for the coproduct (non commutative symmetric functions on one of the powersum bases):

domain FreeAlgebraInteger

    inherits Dom::FreeModule(Dom::Rational,


    category Cat::GradedHopfAlgebraWithBasis(Dom::Rational);


     basisName       := hold(P);

    exprTerm        := dom::exprTermIndex;

    one             := dom::term([]);

    mult2Basis      := dom::term @ _concat;

    coproductBasis  :=

    proc(compo : dom::basisIndices)

        local i, tens;


        tens := dom::tensorSquare;

        tens::mult(tens::plus2(tens::term([[i], []]),

                               tens::term([[],  [i]]))

                      $ i in compo);          



alias(NCSF = FreeAlgebraInteger):

   Here is a sample coproduct computation:

tens := operators::coproduct(NCSF([2, 1, 3]))


To improve the readability, we use # (iso-latin-1 character of code 248) as symbol for the tensor product:



P([2, 3]) # P([1]) + P([1, 3]) # P([2]) + P([2, 1]) # P([3]) +


   P([3]) # P([2, 1]) + P([1]) # P([2, 3]) + P([2]) # P([1, 3]) +


   P([]) # P([2, 1, 3]) + P([2, 1, 3]) # P([])


    # can be used as well to type in tensor products:

NCSF([1,2]) # NCSF([1])

P([1, 2]) # P([1])



The product of NCSF is naturally extended to math, so that we can compute expressions such as:

  tens * (NCSF([1,2]) # NCSF([1]))

P([2, 1, 3, 1, 2]) # P([1]) + P([2, 1, 2]) # P([1, 3, 1]) +


   P([1, 1, 2]) # P([2, 3, 1]) + P([3, 1, 2]) # P([2, 1, 1]) +


   P([2, 1, 1, 2]) # P([3, 1]) + P([1, 3, 1, 2]) # P([2, 1]) +


   P([2, 3, 1, 2]) # P([1, 1]) + P([1, 2]) # P([2, 1, 3, 1])


Note that a new domain representing the tensor square has been automatically created:


Dom::TensorProductOfFreeModules([FreeAlgebraInteger, FreeAlgebraInteger])



Since NCSF is a graded connected bi-algebra, it is automatically a Hopf algebra, whose antipode can be computed recursively (in a slow way):

operators::antipode(NCSF([2, 1, 3]))


Of course, in the case of NCSF, it would have been much more efficient to implement the direct combinatorial formula for the antipode:

    antipodeBasis :=

        comp -> dom::monomial(-1^nops(comp), revert(comp)):

Another very useful feature is the possibility to define tensor product of maps:

idTensorAntipode := operators::tensorProductOfMaps(

    [id, NCSF::antipode],




- P([2, 3]) # P([1]) - P([1, 3]) # P([2]) - P([2, 1]) # P([3]) +


   P([3]) # P([1, 2]) + P([1]) # P([3, 2]) + P([2]) # P([3, 1]) -


   P([]) # P([3, 1, 2]) + P([2, 1, 3]) # P([])


We conclude by using this feature to check, on some examples, that the antipode is correct:

es := NCSF::mu @ idTensorAntipode @ NCSF::coproduct:


es(NCSF([2, 1]));


