combinat::freeTreesLabelled – labelled free trees

combinat::freeTreesLabelled represents the combinatorial class of labelled free trees (i.e. connected acyclic graphs on math distinct nodes).

Such trees are currently represented by lists of edges; this is likely to change!

fromListPrufer – Prüfer bijective correspondence

combinat::freeTreesLabelled::fromListPrufer(list of positive integer l)

Returns the free tree on math nodes associated via the Prüfer correspondence to the list l of math integers between math and math.

toListPrufer – Prüfer bijective correspondence

combinat::freeTreesLabelled::toListPrufer(dom t)

Returns the list l of math integers between math and math associated to the free tree t on math nodes via the Prüfer correspondence.

Changes in MuPAD 3.1

New Function.