MuPAD-Combinat logo and nick name contest

Original message on MuPAD-Combinat mailing list by NicolasThiéry (7 November 2003):

Altogether, this project is becoming mature, and it's really time to have a logo and a nice nick name for it: the name 'MuPAD-Combinat' is really too ugly and impossible to pronounce (my fault).

So, I am launching a nick name and logo contest, and will be happy to invite the winner(s) to some nice restaurant. Please write your propositions below, and be inspired!

Deadline for submissions and votes: 10 juillet 2004

Nick name



implique, mais en associant simplement des syllabes des noms suivants


Mais mon préféré est là:

OpenCOAL qui rappelle la structure du carbone voir ici pourquoi:

CO comme COmputing , COmputation, ou COmbinatorics AL comme ALgebraics

  • Teresa: MuPAD-Combinat
  • Florent: DOTS, OPALE, BOCAL
  • Nicolas: OPALE, BOCAL, ESCALE, ...
  • Conrado: CombiPAD
  • Eric: MuPAD-Combinat, OPALE, ESCALE




                              /     +---+         \ 2
                              |     | 4 |         |
                              |     +---+---+     |
                              | X + | 2 | 3 |     |
                              |     +---+---+---+ |
                              |         | 1 | 5 | |
                              \         +---+---+ /

Walter likes this one. With Oliver they confirmed that it was no problem to reuse in part the MuPAD logo.

                /     \
              /         \
            /             \
           +---+       +   +
           | 6 |       | 5 |
           +---+---+   +-+-+
               | 3 |     |
             |     | 2 |
           +-+-+   +---+---+
           | 1 |       | 4 |
           +   +       +---+
            \             /
              \         /

which is certainly good for the combinatorics and against the evil.

Question: This reminds me (ccr) pretty much of a dollar symbol - is that really against evil? :-)

Emilia propose the same figure rotated 90deg. The question is in which direction? The other question is: does this rotation cancel, or worse invert, the power against the evil ? NicolasThiéry: no, I don't think so. Those symbols appear on kilims; that is some kinds of carpets. So, it seems difficult to force ones guests to look at them always from the same direction :-) ?JeanNoel: Ce schéma final est tres bien. Il suffit de mettre le futur nom en vertical sur le coté droit pour inscrire le tout dans un carré ou approchant et c'est parfait.

   +---+---+---+        +---+---+
   | T | A | K |        | T | A |
   +---+---+---+   or   +---+---+
       | I | N |        | K | I |
       +---+---+        +---+---+
                            | N |
  • Nicolas: I love that proposition from , CCR
  • ...