Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.3.2 (2006/06/20): ========================================================= New functionalities in Cat::ModuleWithBasis: - moduleMorphism, multiModuleMorphism Most of the time, no need to specify Source and ImageSet deprecates operators::makeLinear and makeBilinear - moduleMorphismMatrix, kernelOfModuleMorphism (experimental) - moduleClosure, dualOfModuleMorphismBasis (experimental) - echelonForm (experimental) New functionalities in Cat::AlgebraWithBasis: - algebraMorphism, algebraGenerators, algebraToList - algebraClosure (experimental) New or stabilized combinatorial classes: - combinat::chooseNK, multisetNK, splitNK, permutationsNK - combinat::alternatingSignMatrices Conversion of all the documentation to XML format Availability of dynamic modules on all platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) Precompiled distribution for all platforms And many other experimental developments Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.3.1 (2005-06-14): ========================================================= This is a bug-fix release for the 1.3 series. Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.3.0 (stable, 2005-05-28): ================================================================= New combinatorial classes: - combinat::countingFunctions - combinat::graphPaths (paths in a digraph/quiver; experimental) - combinat::independentSetsOfVectorSpace - combinat::integerVectorsOfLength (experimental) - combinat::treesGeneric / Cat::TreesClass - combinat::yamanouchi New algebraic domains: - examples::SymmetricPolynomials (experimental) - examples::MultivariatePolynomials (experimental) Bases: monomials, Schur-Schubert, elementary-descentMonomials, ... - examples::DendriformOperad - examples::PreLieOperad - examples::QuiverWithRelationsAlgebra (experimental) - experimental::CliffordAlgebra, experimental::HeckeCliffordAlgebra - experimental::ArikiKoikeAlgebra, experimental::ArikiKoikeLagrangeAlgebra - experimental::VermaModule, experimental::Virasoro Misc new domains: - experimental::YangBaxterGraph Improvements in examples::SymmetricFunctions: - Pure MuPAD (non optimized) default implementations of all features (now works on all operating systems, including Windows) The Symmetrica dynamic module is not mandatory anymore. - Fully functional plethysm, with support for elements of rank one - Raising operators - On the fly construction of new bases defined by a scalar product - Hall-Littlewood and Macdonald scalar product - Macdonald polynomials added Miscelaneous improvements: - Documentation of categories, ... Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.2.1 (2005-01-21): ========================================================= This is a first attempt at making regular small-steps stable releases. This release might also end-up in the distribution of MuPAD 3.1.1. Bug fixes: - compilation of dynamic modules with gcc 3.4 - compatibility with MuPAD-3.1.1 - ascii doc building - ... Improvements in: - generators, parking functions, ribbons tableaux - decomposableObjects (Primitive objects of any size, repeated squaring optimization for sequence, error messages) - semi standard (skew) tableaux (count/list using Symmetrica) - words (documentation) - examples::SymmetricFunctions (H functions, straightening, ...) - generic mechanics for Hopf algebras - "desosseur" of finite dimensional algebra (works with any field of char zero, ...) - info output - ... Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.2.0 (2004-10-08): ========================================================= New combinatorial libraries: - combinat::necklaces - combinat::lyndonWords So far, they allow to count and generate necklaces and Lyndon words with prescribed content (say all the Lyndon words one can build out of [1,1,1,2,2,2,3]). This uses a Constant Amortized Time algorithm from Joe Sawada (2003). - combinat::ribbons and skewTableaux (stable) - combinat::ribbonsTableaux - combinat::graphs: Interface with Brendan McKay's Nauty library for generating and manipulating graphs up to an isomorphism - combinat::lrcalc: Interface with Anders Buch's Littlewood-Richardson Calculator C library. Used for faster symmetric function computations - combinat::chooseNK, multisetNK, splitNK (experimental) Improvements in combinat::generator: - support for copying generators - multiset, powerset, space efficient cartesian product Improvements in combinat::decomposableObjects: - Standalone generator in the labelled and unlabelled cases - Support for nested DivX / MultX - New constructors: Lyndon(B), BoxedProd(B, C) (rewritten as MultX(DivX(B), C) - Restrictions on length and size of the components for generating unlabelled sets, multisets, cycles, ... - Functional Domain constructor for count, unrank, random, generator - Tighter type checking, and improved error messages Improvements by Xavier Molinero on the complexity of existing things like unrank and random for combinat::chooseNK, and extensions to multiset, permutations(n,k), ... New algebraic features: - Improved support for Hopf algebras - Dom::TensorProductOfFreeModules - Cat::ModuleWithSeveralBases, Cat::AlgebraWithSeveralBases, ... Generic support for free modules with several basis, with conversions between them and so on (experimental) - Automatic computation of the representation theory of a finite dimensional algebra (experimental) - experimental::FreeOperad, Cat::Operad, Cat::OperadWithBasis: basic support for operads (experimental) - Many new and improved examples of combinatorial algebras Improvements to MAPITL: - MuPAD objects as standard C++ objects (experimental) - Seamless embedding of static C++ objects in MuPAD cells (experimental) Misc improvements: - IPC should be functional again on most platforms - Improved html documentation (less broken links, nicer output) Building is now possible on most platforms (requires latex + tex4ht) Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.1.0: ============================================ Large scale cleanup: - Standardization of the interface of combinatorial classes - Many bug fixes. - A lot of documentation (algebraic domains, categories, operators, ...) - Cleanup of warnings with gcc 3 - Almost complete port for MacOS X / Darwin New combinatorial libraries: - combinat::rankers (experimental) - combinat::skewPartitions - combinat::skewTableaux, ribbons (experimental) - combinat::finiteClass, imageClass, subClass, ... (experimental) - combinat::setPartitions, setPartitionsOrdered (experimental) - combinat::labelledTrees (experimental) - combinat::integerVectorsModPermutationGroup (experimental) - combinat::integerMatrices::fromNonWeakDescentsComposition (experimental) Changes in combinat::decomposable objects: - Complete documentation - Unranking and proper random for labelled structures (experimental) - Boustrophedonic order for optimal O(n log n) random/unrank complexity - Functional random for all structures - Functional Domain feature - Cleanup and improved error messages New algebraic domains: - examples::FreeSymmetricFunctions - examples::NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions - examples::QuasiSymmetricFunctions - examples::SymmetricGroupAlgebra - plus lots of experimental algebras (Hecke, Hecke-Clifford, Temperley Lieb) - Dom::FreeModuleList Renamed algebraic domains: - Dom::FreeModule_Poly -> Dom::FreeModulePoly - Dom::FreeModule_Table -> Dom::FreeModuleTable New categories: - Cat::HopfAlgebra, HopfAlgebraWithBasis, FiniteDimensionalAlgebraWithBasis, GradedAlgebraWithBasis, SemiRing, SemiRng, UseOverloading Renamed categories: - Cat::FreeModule -> Cat::ModuleWithBasis Partial support for coproducts, tensor products, ... (experimental) Integration of most of the material from PerMuVAR: - Dom::PermutationGroupInvariantRing, and related domains and categories (experimental) Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 1.0.0: ============================================ Cleanup, fixes to the build system Most C++ files now compile with gcc 3. The few remaining ones are automatically disabled Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 0.9.2 (final ? prerelase for 1.0): ======================================================================== New combinatorial libraries: - combinat::integerMatrices - combinat::rankers - MachineIntegerListsLex dynamic module New domains: - Dom::Boolean.mu - Dom::FreeModule_MnPoly.mu - Dom::FreeModule_Poly.mu - Dom::FreeModule_Table.mu - Dom::AlgebraWithBasis_Table.mu - Dom::SparseMatrix_LinBox.mu - Dom::SymmetricGroup.mu - Dom::Tropical.mu - Dom::WeightedAutomaton.mu - Dom::WeylAlgebra.mu - examples and experimental that contains various algebra examples::SymmetricFunctions, examples::LodayRoncoAlgebra examples::FreeQuasiSymmetricFunctions Majors Changes: - decomposableStructures in now decomposableObjects (new feature: Cycles, C code generation) - the combinat categories are now named Cat::*Class - new linear mechanics based on FreeModules (cf. operators) - new overload mechanism (operators::overloaded) - initialization mechanism for domains Documentations and presentations: New directory Papers with - Article for SLC49 including a tutorial and design notes - Poster for SLC49 - presentation at EJC-GDR-ALP 2003 Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 0.9.1 (prerelase for 1.0): ================================================================ Bug fixes and documentation improvements Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 0.9.0 (prerelase for 1.0): ================================================================ Essential new features: - Integration of Combinatorial Structure - Many new functions in the existing libraries - Up to a few exceptions, existing libraries are stable - Improved documentation - documentation also available in ascii and ps - Improved installation/tests procedure New libraries: - combinat::trees - combinat::binaryTrees - combinat::labelledBinaryTrees (beta) - combinat::linearExtensions - combinat::decomposableStructures - output::asciiArt New domains: - Dom::FreeModule_Table, Dom::AlgebraWithBasis_Table (beta) Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 0.2.0 (prerelase): ======================================================== Essential new features: - LaTeX documentation, available in html, dvi and pdf. - Integration of muEC 1.2.0 as provided by Christophe Carré in october 2001 after his updates for MuPAD 2.0.0. - Fast plethysm computations with Chritophe's gordan dynamic module. - New amortized linear-time general algorithm for generating list of integers under generic length, upper/lower bound, and regularity constraints. This includes for example partitions, compositions, monomials divisible by a given monomial, partitions containing a given partition and contained in another. This is implemented in combinat::integerListsLexBuilder, and is the core behind combinat::partitions, combinat::compositions and combinat::integerVectors. - Improved automake/autoconf build system which makes it easy to integrate new dynamic modules, build documentation, test all the examples of the documentation, and so on. New libraries: - combinat::integerListsLexBuilder (beta) - combinat::integerListsLexBuilding (beta) - combinat::integerVectors - combinat::tableaux (beta) - combinat::nonCrossingPartitions (alpha: bijection with dyck words) Libraries with highly modified interface and semantic: - combinat::partitions - combinat::compositions Libraries with a change of data representation: - combinat::dyckWords Deprecated libraries: - combinat::subcompositions New domains / categories / axioms: - Dom::PermutationGroup (for general permutation groups) Includes fast methods from the C++ GLIP dynamic module. - Dom::SymmetricGroup (the former Dom::PermutationGroup) - Dom::AlternatingGroup - Cat::PermutationGroup Changes: - combinat::integerVectorsWeighted replaces combinat::weighted compositions - combinat::getOptions replaces prog::parseOptions (and will replace MuPAD's prog::getOptions some day) Overview of changes in MuPAD-Combinat 0.1.0: ============================================ New packages: - combinat::structure - combinat::generators - combinat::compositions - combinat::subcompositions - combinat::weightedCompositions - combinat::partitions - combinat::permutations - combinat::words - combinat::subwords - combinat::dyckWords - combinat::subsets - combinat::cartesianProduct For each combinatorial structure above, the package provides at least the procedures count, generate and generator, plus possibly others. Complete inline/online documentation is available New functions: - combinat::catalan New domains / categories / axioms: - Dom::FreeModule_Table - Dom::AlgebraWithBasis_Table - Ax::monoidAlgebra New utility functions / packages - prog::parseOptions - inlinedoc Available old functions: - combinat::bell, stirling, stirling2, modStirling Backward compatible old functions: - combinat::powerset, cartesian, permute, choose, composition, ... Automake / autoconf / ... build and test system